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All About Braces
Salem, OR

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At Amborn Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on providing treatment for the entire family. For nearly three decades, both children and adults have benefited from the care of Dr. Amborn. If you are considering orthodontic treatment for your child or yourself, the following information will help you make an informed decision on why braces, and Amborn Orthodontics, is right for you.

Why You Should Consider Braces

Many of our patients come in with preconceived notions about braces. Often, they think of them as uncomfortable and embarrassing. In fact, braces are more comfortable and discrete, than ever before. We offer several forms of treatment, from the Damon system to clear aligners, with a single goal in mind: move your teeth into the ideal position. Braces are not only used for cosmetic reasons, but they can also help you avoid long-term complications associated with your oral health.

The reasons to consider braces vary from patient to patient. Many patients suffer from malocclusion—a misalignment of the teeth between the upper and lower arches. You may know malocclusion as an “overbite” or “underbite.” Malocclusions are classified into three categories using the first molars as a reference point:
•  Class I. This is considered to be the ideal relationship between your upper and lower arches. Your first molars are in perfect alignment, but you may still have crowding or spacing issues.
•  Class II. This is more commonly known as an overbite. The first molar of your lower arch is positioned more towards the posterior (back) region of your mouth. Your upper jaw also appears to extend forward. There are also two subclasses that relate to the position of your upper teeth.
•  Class III. This is more commonly known as an underbite. The first molar of your lower arch is positioned more towards the anterior (front) region of your mouth. The lower jaw also appears to extend forward.

As mentioned above, even if you have an ideal bite, you may still suffer from crowding or spacing issues. Crowding occurs when there is not enough room in your arch to accommodate your teeth. This causes the teeth to overlap, rotate, or even erupt in the incorrect position. Crowding can also result from prematurely losing your primary teeth. If a primary tooth is lost too early, the surrounding teeth will begin to compensate for the open space. This leaves little or no room for the permanent tooth to erupt. Crowding can also make it difficult to brush and floss your teeth correctly.

Inversely, spacing issues arise when there is too much space in the arch for your teeth. This can be caused by smaller teeth or a larger jaw. The most common example of a spacing issue is known as a diastema, a space between the upper two front teeth.

When left untreated, misalignments with your bite and teeth can lead to the following conditions:
•  Trouble chewing and eating
•  Clenching or grinding your teeth
•  Speech impediments
•  Tooth decay and gum disease
•  Temporomandibular Joint Disorders (TMJ) or jaw pain
•  Sleep apnea and snoring

If you or your child are experiencing any of the above symptoms, contact Amborn Orthodontics to schedule a consultation visit.

Early Orthodontics

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) suggests that all children should receive an orthodontic screening by age seven. In recent years, orthodontic treatment has become increasingly popular with our younger patients. At an early age, the teeth and jaw are still developing, making it easier to address certain conditions.

For instance, we can help permanent teeth erupt into better positions. Many children have arches that are too small to fit all their permanent teeth. The previous solution would have been tooth extraction. Thanks to technological advancements, we can now take advantage of the developing jaw with a device called a palatal expander. By widening the palate, we can transform the upper arch to the proper size. This means there is a much better chance that the permanent teeth will erupt in a proper position. Other intervention appliances, like the Herbst jaw corrector, can help correct the position of a misaligned jaw. We may also suggest partial braces or space maintainers to help eliminate crowding and assist with the eruption of permanent teeth.

Some children may experience a condition known as hyperdontia, or the presence of extra teeth. This condition can cause many problems down the line if it is not noticed or taken care of early. We can screen young children for this and create a treatment plan as needed.

The majority of our younger patients come in for observation only. We use x-rays and digital scans to identify any potential problems and pinpoint the best time to start treatment. Early orthodontics does not eliminate the need for future treatment, but it can significantly reduce it.

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are what most patients picture when they think about orthodontic treatment. These braces consist of metal brackets that are bonded to the front of the tooth. A thin metal wire is thread through the brackets and held in place by a series of small elastic bands. Today’s braces have smaller brackets and thinner wires than ever before. Patients can also choose the color of their elastic bands, meaning your child can choose festive colors for holidays or personal favorites.

Every four to six weeks, Dr. Amborn will adjust the wire to bring about the desired results. The length of treatment depends on the individual patient but generally, lasts between one and three years. Traditional braces are the most effective treatment for complicated issues like extreme crowding, issues with posterior teeth, and teeth that need to be rotated or moved vertically. If you suffer from these issues, other options like plastic aligners may not even be an option. Braces are also non-removable, eliminating the temptation to leave them out. We recommend traditional braces for children and adolescents who may lack the discipline to use aligners properly.

Although braces are smaller and more comfortable than ever before, there may be some initial pain or discomfort. Discomfort is also common after the wire is tightened, and your teeth slowly continue to shift.

If we decide that traditional braces are the right course of action, there are a few things to keep in mind:
•  Be sure to avoid foods that do not work well with braces. Chewy foods like caramels and other soft candies can cause significant damage to the wire and brackets. Certain fruits and vegetables may get stuck in the braces. To avoid this problem, be sure to cut these foods into smaller pieces. Dr. Amborn will give you a list of foods to avoid to prevent damage and decrease the risk of tooth decay.
•  Be sure to implement proper brushing and flossing techniques. Regular brushing and flossing is important for your overall oral health, and even more so when wearing braces. Implementing a proper hygiene regimen will keep your braces looking good and prevent tooth staining. Dr. Amborn may recommend a specialized brush and floss to help you clean the nooks and crannies.
•  Be sure to keep your appointments. Follow-up appointments allow us to make regular adjustments and maintain the schedule. Missed appointments could lead to a longer treatment time and other complications. Follow-up appointments also allow you to ask questions or voice concerns.

The Damon System

At Amborn Orthodontics, we also offer a revolutionary style of the bracket and wire braces known as "the Damon system." The Damon system consists of three components that make it an ideal choice for many patients, especially adults.
•  Damon braces are self-ligating, which eliminates the need for elastic bands. Damon braces use a slide mechanism to hold the wire in place. This allows the teeth to move more freely, and at a comfortable pace.
•  Damon braces also use high-technology shape-memory wires. These wires are light, thin, and help move teeth faster with fewer adjustments.
•  The clinically proven Damon technique allows us to align your teeth and enhance aesthetics without extractions or palatal expanders.

Traditional braces use elastic bands that can sometimes cause unwanted friction and pressure. Damon braces are designed with discretion and comfort in mind. We even offer "Damon Clear," which is made to look virtually invisible. Other clear braces have visible metal parts and elastic ties, which can yellow during treatment. Damon Clear is timeless and exempt from discoloration and stains.

The Damon system is ideal for adults with busy schedules. The braces are low maintenance and require, on average, seven fewer office visits than traditional braces. With the Damon system, you could reduce your treatment time by six months! At-home care is also convenient. The lack of elastic bands makes your braces easier to clean. Brush and floss regularly to ensure your teeth stay cavity-free.

Clear Aligners

For patients who want the ultimate in discretion and comfort, we also offer clear aligners. Clear aligners are a popular alternative to traditional braces among many of our adult patients.

Clear aligner treatment begins with preliminary x-rays, photographs, and impressions of the mouth. Then, Dr. Amborn will fabricate a set of clear plastic aligners that are custom fit to slowly move your teeth to the proper position. Each aligner will be worn one after the other in a specific order. The clear aligner process ranges from six to 18 months, depending on the patient’s needs. The aligners trays should be changed every two weeks, with visits to the office every six weeks or so. There is no need for painful adjustments and no required repairs. If an aligner is lost or broken, it can easily be replaced with the next one in your series.

Because clear aligners are removable, there will be no difficulty eating and no issues with trapped food. Clear aligners should be removed when eating or drinking anything but water. Be sure to brush your teeth after each meal to avoid staining. On average, the aligner should be worn for at least 22 hours a day. Clear aligners make it easier for you to keep your teeth clean and free of decay. The discomfort of metal wires is also eliminated.

Clear aligners are the ideal treatment for patients who may feel self-conscious about wearing braces. The success of the aligners largely depends on the patient. If you do not wear your aligners, the treatment will not work. For adolescent patients that may lack self-discipline, but still want discrete treatment, we offer "teen" versions of aligners. Each tray comes with an indicator dot that lets us know the trays are being worn.

After Braces

After orthodontic treatment, whether it be traditional braces, the Damon system, or clear aligners, the use of a retainer is an important part of maintaining straight teeth. Without a retainer, your teeth will slowly shift out of place, undoing all the work and time you put into your smile.

There are two types of retainers: fixed and removable. Choosing between the two, generally, depends on the individual case and your desired results.
•  A fixed retainer is a thin wire that fits across the back of your teeth. It is bonded into place using a composite material that hardens under a curing light. It is very strong and only Dr. Amborn will be able to remove it. Fixed retainers are not visible when you smile. It may take a while to get used to, but over time you may forget it is even there. The biggest advantage to a fixed retainer is 24/7 support. The biggest disadvantage is difficulty flossing. You will need to thread the floss between the teeth and retainer.
•  Removable retainers are much more common. To receive a removable retainer, Dr. Amborn will take an impression of your new teeth. The impression is used to create an acrylic mold that fits snug with your palate. This mold is attached to hooks that insert in and around the back of your teeth, as well as a wire that goes across the front. For your lower arch, the acrylic base is U-shaped to accommodate your tongue. For the first three months, you will be instructed to wear the retainer daily and all the time. If no movement is detected after this time, you are instructed to wear the retainer only at night or for a few hours a day. Eventually, we may suggest you wear it three to five days a week. We know that retainers can be a hassle, but in most cases, they should be worn for several years, if not indefinitely.

Both types of retainers require periodic maintenance. Be sure to see your regular dentist to make sure your teeth remain free of plaque and tartar. Schedule an appointment with us if your fixed retainer becomes loose. Do not let your teeth slip out of place. Use a retainer to ensure a lifetime of healthy, straight, and beautiful teeth.

Call Amborn Orthodontics Today

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation appointment, call (503) 967-9887 today!

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We Know All About Braces - Salem, OR • Amborn Orthodontics
Looking for braces for you or your child? Find out why many consider Amborn Orthodontics the perfect solution for you!
Amborn Orthodontics, 1810 E Nob Hill Street SE, Salem, OR 97302; (503) 967-9887;; 2/3/2025; Page Phrases: Orthodontist Salem OR;